Paula Hernández Portolés
Paula Hernández Portolés

Under utbytesperioden har de läst MND:s kurs "VFU för inresande lärarstudenter, 7,5 hp" som innebar en fem veckors praktikperiod på Johannes skola i Stockholm, en svensk grundskola med internationell inriktning. De fick tillfälle att undervisa i matematik, naturvetenskap, engelska och estetiska ämnen.

VFU för inresande lärarstudenter var en av de få kurser för internationella studenter som inte var helt och hållet online och gav Paula och Sandra mycket tänkvärd erfarenhet.

- It has been amazing to experience the differences between school systems! From how they use the textbooks in Mathematics to the teaching activities in the classroom. My impression is that Mathematics teaching in Sweden is much more practical oriented and applied than in Spain, says Sandra

Sandra Pérez Rodríguez
Sandra Pérez Rodríguez

- I really enjoyed the practicum! I was surprised that the students were used to work so much individually in the solution of mathematical tasks, but of course the teachers were there helping all the time. I participated in many Science lessons and these were really exciting because they always involved experiments adapted for young pupils, says Paula.