Every year, the Publications Advisory Committee for National Association of Research in Science Teaching (NARST) selects three articles as the winners of the Research Worth Reading award: 
These articles are part of the National Science Teachers Association’s (NSTA) initiative to identify "Research Worth Reading" for its teacher audience and have been selected because of their potential to inform science teaching.

Zeynep Ünsal

In order to make the selection, the Publications Advisory Committee reads all articles published in Science Educator (NSELA), Journal of Research in Science Teaching (NARST) and Journal of Science Teacher Education (ASTE) during the last year. The winning articles are published on the National Science Teachers Association’s website and science teachers will have free access to them.

Zeynep was invited to a sponsored symposium at the National Association of Research in Science Teaching conference 2019 in Baltimore to present the article together with the two other winners of the award.

This year's recipients are:

Morales-Doyle, Daniel. (2018) Students as curriculum critics: Standpoints with respect to relevance, goals, and science. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 55(5), 749-773.

Ünsal, Zeynep, Jakobson, B., Wickman, P-O., & Molander, B-O. (2018). Gesticulating science: Emergent bilingual students' use of gestures. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 55(1), 121-144.

Tobin, Roger G., Lacy, S., Crissman, S. and Haddad, N. (2018). Model-based reasoning about energy: A fourth-grade case study. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 55(8), 1134-1161